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Kristen & Joe in Germany: Frankfurt

Writer's picture: Holiday Cruises & ToursHoliday Cruises & Tours

We had a very busy day!  We had to catch a 12:30 pm flight from Venice to Frankfurt, Germany.  To do that, we had to get up, checkout, walk to the waterbus stop to catch a waterbus to a piazza, get tickets and then board the bus for an hour and a half ride to the airport before we could check in at the airport, drop off our bags and go through security.  Now, I am not a great flyer.  I’m not afraid of the flying itself.  In fact, when the airplane takes off, I breathe a huge sigh of relief.  It’s the part before the plane takes off I hate.  Maybe I’ve been bumped from too many flights or something.  I think many people can understand my stress level.

Anyway, we made it to the gate without any problems and got into line 45 minutes early.  Ryan Air doesn’t have seat assignments, so it’s first come, first serve.  It was then that we were notified that the plane was over an hour late.  Oh well.  We made it into the air 1 1/2 hours after we were supposed to.  Once we landed, we had to wait an hour for the bus to come to take us into Frankfurt.  Ryan Air many times does not fly out and into a major city, however, it was the cheapest price we could find.  The two-hour bus ride was uncomfortable.  We forgot to fill up our water bottles before we left and the  bus had no AC.  By the time we got into Frankfurt, we were tired, hot, thirsty, and irritable.  Thankfully, our hostel was a short walk away from where the bus dropped us off.  I was so happy to check in and drop off my stuff.

By this time, we were very hungry.  Since all we’ve been eating in Italy was pizza and pasta (it is really difficult to find anything else there for a decent price), I wanted some meat.  We walked around the city some and found a good place to eat.  I had currywurst (a hot dog with curry powder and ketchup-like sauce), fries, and a big German beer and Joe just had a beer (he was eyeing a rotisserie chicken a few blocks back).  The food was soooooo good!

After my dinner, Joe picked up his chicken and we headed back to the hostel for a good night’s sleep.

When we woke up, the hostel had a great breakfast prepared.  Usually hostels have a very basic breakfast with toast and cereal, but this one had meat, cheese, eggs, and fruit as well.  After breakfast we headed toward an art supply store.  I have been wanting to make jewelry to sell.  I have no idea if it’ll sell, but I’ve been needing something creative to do for some time now.

On the way to the store, we walked through what we call Bunny Park.  It is exactly how it sounds, a park filled with bunnies!  It was great!!

We finally found the store and Joe left me to my shopping.  I have never made jewelry before and d didn’t know what I needed.  The German lady spoke limited English and had to get another lady to help translate, but we figured it out.  I left the store very happy with the purchase.

After we left that store, we found a hair salon and I got a haircut that was very needed.  For the last month, I’ve been wearing hats because my hair needed cut so bad.  It felt so much better (and cooler) when it was done.  I got a good price for it, too.  We then came across a yarn shop and I bought some more yarn for my knitting projects.

After the neccessities were taken care of, we went sightseeing again.  We went to the old town where there were some really interesting buildings.

We also came across a market with sausage and beer tents.  Of course we had to try it out.

While were eating, it started raining.  We waited for some time, but when it wasn’t letting up, we sloshed our way back to the hostel where I worked on my jewelry until bedtime.

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