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Kristen & Joe’s Guatemala Mission Trip: Last Night in Pana

Today was a lovely day! We went to Casa del Mundo (the magical hotel across the lake) for breakfast than went back to the village we went to last week. Joe did some magic and juggling for the kids and then we started handing out goody-bags for the kids.

The bags didn’t contain much: 3 crayons, a couple stickers, and 2 pieces of candy. However, all hell broke loose. Kids started grabbing at us and trying to be the first to get at the bags. I was trying to pull kids off the ground and keep them from being trampled by the other kids. It was a mess! We had to give the rest to an adult in the village who could distribute them in an orderly manner.

We then hopped the boat to visit a couple of towns around the lake. One town, San Marcos, was a very hippie, new age town with many different courses one could take. I told Joe I would like to come back and take 1 or 2. My pick would be a Spanish course or weaving course.

This was our last night in Pana, so we sat out on our balcony that night and just enjoyed the sights and sounds of the town.

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